About Us

ACM West Region

We are an independent 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and an official ACM region representing members in the six western states of Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, New Mexico and Nevada.

By joining ACM, you add your voice to thousands of others across the country. With telecommunications legislation moving through Congress and many state legislatures, your voice is more important than ever. ACM members automatically become members of their regional organization and no extra dues are required.

The business of ACM West is conducted by our Board of Directors. We are one of five official ACM regions across the country working to keep media accessible to the people. Click here if you are interested in joining our efforts.

Notable events include our annual conference and trade show. At the conference, the WAVE Awards (Western Access Video Excellence) honor the best in local programming from across the region. We also host monthly member meetups on Zoom.

The Alliance For Community Media is an organization that supports an amazing movement! Today people have more communication options than ever before. The fact still remains however that access to these tools and adequate training is lacking for many of our citizens. Media literacy and education are needed now more than ever.

ACM is wherever you are. Our reach is global, but our local regions provide a kind of support you can’t get anywhere else. Connecting with your local region will help you:

– Expand your network through meetings and events.
– Discover a supportive network of colleagues in your area, working together to push our industry forward.
– And much more!

Another big part of our mandate is promoting inclusion and access among cable/internet providers. This means promoting concepts like net neutrality and public access to other media like LPFM radio. However, we can not do these things without you! Please consider joining ACM as a member and helping us in our vital mission.